What we do.

As coach, we are unbiased observers of your company and passionate advocates for building teams and companies that create groundbreaking products.

We coach in the following areas:

  • All aspects of technology product creation and growth.

  • Leadership coaching (focusing particularly on head of product/ Chief Product Officer and lead operations, design, engineering and strategy roles in product companies)

  • Engineering leadership coaching (angled toward how Engineering, Design and Product disciplines relate)

  • Design leadership coaching (angled toward how Design, Engineering and Product disciplines relate)

  • Product evangelism and storytelling

  • Public speaking

Matters coaches individuals, teams and companies grow these vital skills in the context of creating products, teams and companies that lead through innovation and positive outcome.

Innovation Coaching for Execs

Being part of the C-suite puts to the test every aspect of the human in that role. No matter how talented, no amount of talent can help you gain critical objectivity when you are swimming in details or facing major challenges you’ve never faced before. It’s not if a CEO or chief officer needs a coach but when a coach may be most helpful.

Our coaching is aimed at C-levels in companies who seek substantial outcomes. And who are willing to make the personal, culture, team and mindset changes to get there.

We help C-levels:

  • Identify your company’s core beliefs around innovation and work to uncover where they help/hinder the company’s direction

  • Define clear roles/ responsibilities and team topology to support peak outcomes

  • See yourself more objectively when it comes to leadership style and effective communication

  • Learn how the world’s most successful innovator companies build innovation flow in their companies and implement relevant aspects

  • Clarify key business objectives and connect those effectively to product strategy

Innovation can come from anywhere but without the CEO, it will not succeed. This is why I do both executive coaching and product coaching — two sides of the same vision-to-reality coin.

Product Coaching for Teams

The Next Big Idea without action (someone to capture it, put it through its paces, champion it through to release/learn cycle)… is just a truly great idea said over a sandwich.

Great companies know how to discern “good ideas” from “great ideas” and routinely take action in time to capture the market.

Enter the Product team: a cross-functional team of engineers, product managers, and designers/researchers that are the song-catchers, insight-drivers and hands-on builders that deliver real innovation for your company.

Done right, modern Product Management is THE key difference-maker between companies that thrive or die.

I coach teams and leadership to optimize how your company:

  • Prioritizes what to spend money and time building (good from great)

  • Quickly retires costly risks before a single line of code is written

  • How to structure a successful product/ engineering/ design team that addresses factors of viability, feasibility, value and usability on all they build

  • How to communicate and collaborate internally and externally for momentum and clarity

Facilitation and Research

One thing that Product people are great at is facilitating productive high-stakes conversations while keeping things productive and forward-moving. We are great at synthesizing lots of complex information into a cohesive whole.

(Indra Nooyi, former CEO of PepsiCo calls this trait her “hip pocket skill” and I am lucky it is mine too.)

I love facilitation and have done a lot of it. For this type of work, I am topic agnostic.

Hire me for:

  • Facilitation of high-stakes conversations where you need a business-savvy but neutral facilitator.

  • Summarizing complex concepts into plain language briefs that can help your team jump forward to an informed decision point.